Based in Canada, Ola Bamboo produces consumer products made from sustainable, environmentally-friendly bamboo. Its catalog is incredibly diverse, and includes everything from plates to toothbrushes to makeup remover.Yet for all the strides it made towards sustainability, there was one thing holding it back — order fulfillment.
Each purchase order and invoice needed to be manually processed, a painstaking and time-consuming effort, and one which wasted a not inconsiderable amount of paper. Because it lacked in-house automation and integration capabilities, however, it had little choice. Then it discovered Tangentia Gateway.
Download the eBook
In the following case study, you'll learn:
- How business process automation benefits a business.
- The complex technical challenges facing Ola.
- How Tangentia helped overcome those challenges.
- The total cost and time savings Tangentia Gateway unlocked for Ola
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